KRACHI EAST 2022-2025 Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT

KRACHI EAST 2022-2025 Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT
MMDAs are the planning authorities at the District level as prescribed by Section 82 of Act 936. In relation to planning functions, the MMDAs are required to prepare District Medium-Term Development Plans by carrying out studies on development planning matters in the District including economic, social, cultural, spatial, environmental, human settlement issues and policies, and mobilise human and physical resources for development in the District.
In view of the above, The Municipal Planning Unit headed by Mr. Abass Ibrahim and The Municipal Statistics Department embarked on a Community Needs Assessment exercise for the preparation of the 2022-2025 MTDP. The purpose of the exercise was to solicit information from the communities on issues relating to their socio-economic wellbeing.
This is by way addressing the bottom-up approach system as required by the NDPC guidelines. The information gathered would be used for the preparation of the 2022-2025 Medium Term Development Plan.

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