The department is currently located at the Municipal Education Directorate, Dambai and its core mandate is the management of areas affected by disasters and providing for related matters as mandated by Act 517 of 1996, which established NADMO. The Organisation also undertakes social
mobilization of the communities through the Disaster Volunteer Groups (DVGs) for disaster management, employment generation, poverty reduction, and community development as an added function
This is done by:
a. Reviewing of the National, Regional and District Disaster Management Plans (DDMPs) for effective implementation in the Municipal.
b. Linking Disaster Management Programmes to the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS), and re-afforestation.
c. Building capacity of staff and stakeholders.
d. Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Risk Management countrywide.
e. Public awareness creation through media discussions, public education and training of community members and Disaster Volunteer Groups (DVGs).
f. Provision of skills and inputs for Disaster Volunteer Groups for employment generation and poverty reduction.
g. Rehabilitation and reconstruction of educational and other social facilities destroyed by fire, floods rainstorms and other disasters.