SECOND ORDINARY MEETING OF THE FIFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY Of THE KRACHI EAST MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY,2021. Krachi East Municipal Assembly held Its Second Ordinary Meeting of the Fifth General Assembly in 2021. Some of the highlights of the meetings were Discussions and adoption of the Draft 2021 Mid-year Budget Review Presentation, Discussion and Adoption of the 2022-2025 MTDP Nomination of Members for the Composition of Sanitation Sub-committee The Municipal Planning Officer, Mr. Ibrahim Abass Successfully presented the 2022-2025 MTDP to the house and it was unanimously approved by the house. Similarly, after the presentation by The Municipal Budget Analyst, Mr. Abraham Solomons, the house made some few deliberations and adjustments before the budget was approved successfully. Members of the Sanitation Sub-committee were successfully nominated by the Honorable Assembly members themselves. Other matters such as the MCE’S sessional address and recommendations from EXECO were all successfully discussed.